The Microsoft Certified Fundamentals program is the pathway to fully understand what cloud computing is, what options are available from Microsoft, and which options make sense for businesses to invest in. This is for individuals who are exploring a career in artificial intelligence, data science, and cloud computing. With the usage of big data and artificial intelligence on the rise, the demand for data scientists is not being met—and the gap is widening.
Microsoft certification gives students and workforce candidates the power to chart their own course, fulfill their ambition, and realize their potential.
Digital badges are web-enabled versions of a credential, certification or learning outcome. Representing your credential as a badge gives you the ability to share your skills online in a way that is simple, trusted and can be easily verified in real time.
Microsoft Fundamentals certified individuals have a lot to be proud of. Badges validate their skills and allow them to show the world what they’ve accomplished.
Digital badging helps individuals move forward professionally by quickly establishing credibility for opportunities in higher education and the job market. Each badge contains verifiable data that tells employers and admission committees what you did, who says you did it, and why it matters.